Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I cannot believe that its been almost over a month since the last time I wrote. Shame on me. I could bow out and blame it all on my fabulously busy and important life, but what excuse is that? Truth be told, my life has been exceptionally busy, and wonderfully filled with amazing people. I have missed emptying all my thoughts out into this void.
Ok so were to start...well first I must gush about the amazing time I had in Tampa with my lovely Cappy. She always knows how to show me a good time. And lets not forget the Fabulous Bianca, dear Julio, and my loving family. I was able to see my nephew and niece, who just keep on getting bigger and bigger (I sound like such a lame aunt). My darling boy has a neat little trick that he likes to do now also, which is grab my bra (thanks sis).
Sadly I had to return to reality, and head back to Tampa, where work and the realization that college was truly over came to bite me in the butt. My first duty was get back to work. I missed the library, but I missed the people more. I feel like I missed out on a lot being away though. And upon my return being trapped into "The Ted's" (props for anyone who gets that Kathy Griffin reference) mindless work load made me feel more out of the loop. Five hours in front of the computer creating a spreadsheet from hell is NOT fun, but that was task for like a week. I have felt like a monkey at work the past few weeks, inputting numbers into said spreadsheet from Hell.
Aside from work, the departure of two of my closest friends has been the kick in the pants in regarding the reality that college is over. Catie and Caitlin have both left for home, and are sorely missed. I've been going to school with Caitlin since freshman year of high school. And have hung out with both of them since sophomore year of college. They are honestly two of the best people anyone could have as a friend. I've still got the boys up here, and Linz, but those two I will always miss. But its only distance. As cliche as it sounds, time is the only test to see if frienships last.
My life at this point feels like I've hit the restart button. I about to start school (again, just now I'm a graduate student), I'm working at a new library, getting a new roommate, and starting a new relationship. Everything is new, yet at the same time, I feel like nothing as changed. Sometimes I wonder if its all too much new for me, like I'm waiting for myself to crack. What is the constant variable that's keeping me sane? Because lets face it, I don't deal with change well at all.
I have all of this stuff I want to do, but cannot seem to get myself motivated to do so. I still have yet to finish half the books that I picked for my personal reading list. I haven't started my blog of book reviews for YA books. I haven't begun the editing work for a library journal I'm interested in working on. I have yet to repaint my bathroom, but I'm waiting for mum's visit to tackle that one. My training for the 5K has been sad and pathetic. My goal to lose 10 lbs before school started was thwarted by chocolate chip cookies on sale (totally by fault, but their the Chewie ones and I was PMSing, I know excuse excuses).
Having a boyfriend is amazing, especially if they are mine! But seriously I've realized how much free time I had on my hand while single. Being taken takes time. I adore my boyfriend but I am seriously going to miss being able to do stuff on my time. Plus Leo is feeling a little rejected lately. I think that's why he doesn't "Him", new man taking my attention away from him. Poor baby. Learned today that Leo hates the lint brush too, he actually hissed at me when I tried to use it on him. So he does this instead with his time.


1 comment:

Capella said...

well look who's writing, because i totally need to do so.
Miss you muchos mas.