Saturday, October 11, 2008

Because reading Cappy's blog and filling out a survey is much more fun than reviewing lesson plans

So this is my life now:
Fall asleep exhausted next to boyfriend
Wake up and repeat

However at this moment I give and refuse to review lesson plans, so instead I am watching "Its me or the Dog" ( OMG OMG OMG one of the dogs a French Bulldog, YAY!) my new secret addiction, and answering this quiz that Cappy posted on her blog. Its a cheat entry but whatever. Enjoy!

Finish the sentence

Lately my heart is... learning new tricks

I think girls are... just as bad as boys

I think guys are... aggravating...

I'm so scared of... failing out of grad school.

My best physical feature is...that's your choice

My best friends are... AWESOME!

All of my friends are... an important part of my life

When I grow up I want to... happy and fulfilled

I wish I could go back in time and... be part of a Greek myth (so not kidding, like Athena's bastard daughter or something...yea yea yea I know she was one of the virgin goddesses but I'll come out of her forehead or something).

I really miss... reading books for fun :(

I always smile when...I talk to my mom

My friends tell me I am...a drama queen

My job is...playing with Print Master for 4 hours

I hope that...I don't fail out of grad school (do you see a pattern? Yet I'm doing this instead of homework)

I'm looking forward to... Seeing my grandmother over winter break

My mom is... the COOLEST!

My dad approval rating

My favorite song is... I don't know right now

My favorite alcoholic drink is... Margaritas!

When I get really drunk I... talk like a little girl, and laugh... a lot (ME TOO!!!!)

I feel lonely when... this is a loaded question for me....

The number of times my heart was broken is...once

The number of times I've broken someone else's heart is... no clue

I have had sex with... YOU!

In the opposite sex, the biggest turn on is... ability to deal with my craziness....and the brightest, most sincere smile EVER!

In the opposite sex, the biggest turn off is... laziness, tendency to yell, lack of initiative, and bad BO

The sweetest thing I've ever done for someone is...make a homemade dinner and brought it to work for their lunch/dinner.

The sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me is...bought me twizzlers, rented me my favorite movie, and brought over a heat pack when I was feeling indisposed

My biggest pet peeve is... when people don't use a coaster (I know I am so Monica)

I'm really good at ... laughing and cleaning

I'm really bad at... ..... thinking positively

My guilty pleasure is..."Its Me or the Dog" and "Gossip Girl" while eating an entire bag of Twizzlers

It really makes me sad when... I see an animal mistreated...Making animals obese is ABUSE people ABUSE!!! stupid British

I really wish I didn't... have to mow the lawn

I'm addicted coke

Recently, I have learned that... sometimes grandmothers are right...I still refuse to like Tim Tebow though

Honestly, I think that...I should be working on homework by now...and British people are stupid for allowing their dogs to become obese...and I hope the bf had a better day at work

The person I love the most is...several people.

The person I hate the most is... no one, its a wasted emotion

My last relationship ended because...because he was a pathelogical liar... no seriously...he failed out of undergrad 2 1/2 years years ago but thinks he can get into UCLA grad school...yea suuuuuuuure

Honestly, I think my ex... has an issue...

If I had one wish it would be... honestly...for the economy to recover...I can wish for billions of dollars but that would only help me and those around fixing the economy I'd be helping thousands...oh and can I wish for the ability for the voters to be able to read the presidental candidates minds so that we know for a fact what they are thinking...I so tired of getting screwed over by politicians.