Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cricket says "Hello"

I am running away from camp. No more s'mores, no more bugs, no more campers. I have accomplished freedom for the next 24 hours to at least give some insight into the fascinating world of stay-away camp. And what an interesting world it can be.

Now as an introductory note, I'm a novice to the whole camp experience. Growing up in the south side suburbs of Chicago didn't really provide woodland camp experiences. So I have no experience when it comes to the little ones reactions to home sickness. Let alone in the dark, solitary ambiance of the woods. I've gone camping, but that's been two day tops intervals where my own nice shower was at least 24 hours in site. The showers I'm equipped with are midget showers. I know I'm short, so having to squat to take a shower was a whole new experience. Also, if you think cafeteria food is rough on your insides, its nothing like camp food. Don't get me wrong the stuff is pretty tasty, but you seriously have to have a iron stomach to eat it. Our cooks name is Sausage, which to all that know me I could not stop making jokes in my head once I heard it.

Being at camp has also brought out a fondness for spiders. I just love those little buggers. They make pretty webs, they eat those pesty mosquitoes, and not one has bitten me yet. What's not to love? Wasps on the other hand, I have bug bombed their brains out without any remorse. Two have stung me, and those things hurt like the dickens. The first time I got they were defending their territory, but the second time...what did I ever do to them??? Seeing the girls reactions to the bugs though are priceless. Some time last week there was a little girl that was absolutely losing her mind over seeing a carpenter bee, and one of the other girls just turned her head, looked dead at her and said "We're in the woods." It was priceless.

The thing that has me coming back though is the scenery. It is absolutely gorgeous. The camp is located on a lake, and there is nothing more breathe taking than waking up and watching the sunrise over the lake through the veil of the woods.
It makes waking up at 6:00 tolerable.

I've also decided to thank my parents for never sending me to boarding school. Living with a group of girl 24/7 is exhausting. Your life is so compressed them, campers and staff alike, the reality of how shortly you have known them blurs. The experience is similar to what I imagine being stranded on a desert island may be like.

Yet, regardless of all the complaining I can muster up about this, it is most definitely the life experience I was hoping it would be.

But to all, I can receive mail, and I LOVE receiving letters!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Last blog for a bit

Its so sad. I just started this whole blogging thing I have to go on a hiatus. I am disappearing for a month and a half to hide in the woods. I will be away from all technology (even my iPod!!!!). I think I may still have TV, but won't have control over the remote control and what's the point in watching TV if you don't have control of the remote? Seriously? Any whoo, I will be away from any computer and unable to empty my every processing thoughts onto my amazing blog. This week, however, has been full of fun and mayhem. Reconceliation and drunken happiness. I have effectively reverted to behaving more like a second year undergraduate with all the excessive whiskey drinking, but it was worth it.
I'm hoping when I return I can start the book review portion of the blog, which was my intention when I first started the blog. I just haven't been able to find the time to actually analyze the books I've been reading. After 3 years of having to do so for every book I've read for class, it's been fun to just read a book just for the plot. Granted habits are hard to break and I'm always endlessly scribbling away in my books of thoughts and opinions I have of the style and plot. The worst was when I actually edited ( basic copyediting) a book that's been published and was on the New York Times Bestsellers list. I would really think those publishing houses have enough man power to catch simple typos. I always wonder when I find them if they are only in the edition that I bought or are they in all the copies of the book. I know only a lit nerd would evert contemplate this.
Okay I shall leave the blogging world for a bit. It is now off to hopefully get Chris and Alejandro's butts in Bomberman(oh yea old school). See boys I mentioned you. ;)